27 January 2009
Movie: Inkheart
Location : Pavillion, Jalan Bukit Bintang
Date: 26 January 2009
After read the sinopsis im so excited n cant wait to catch this movies
But.. n but..
crite ni macam x masok dgn jiwa raga aku. Macam family sangat kot. Aku nak cerita yang ada scene bunuh orang then makan otak manusia. haha. teruk aku ni. Basically cerita ni about one night, a bunch of thugs arrive at the house and kidnap Mo (Brendan Fraser) to take him to see , a cruel and evil dictator name Capricorn. Mo and anak dia called as Silvertongue becoz they both has the ability to read characters out of books. Best kan dengar?Then ade lagi a few character macam Dustfinger who has the abilty to create a fire with his hand, Farid the character from Ali Baba Bujang Lapok.
Mo and his daughter determined to bring back his wife out from book padahal wife dia memang dah ada kat castle tu but wife dia dah bisu. Kahsian bukan. So actually the major mission nak selamatkan wife dia, hantar Dustfinger balik dalam buku Inkheart and hantar konco Capricorn masuk dalam buku. Finally semuanya cam ok. Diorang semua balik dengan amannya.
24 January 2009
im sick of you
membetulkan diri sendiri dari yang buruk amat susah...
Movie: Underworld 3
Location: Jusco, Seremban 2
Date : 22 Januari 2009
The prequel to the first two films tracing the origins of the centuries-old blood feud between the aristocratic vampires known as Death Dealers, and their slaves, the Lycans.
Movie: Outlander

Location: GSC, Mid Valley
Date : 10January2009
During the reign of the Vikings, Kainan (James Caviezel), a man from a far-off world, crash lands on Earth bringing with him an alien predator known as the Moorwen. Though both man and monster are seeking revenge for violence committed against them, Kainan leads the alliance to kill the Moorwen by fusing his advanced technology with the Viking's Iron Age weaponry.
19 January 2009
Gaza untuk Gaza.
Lantas.Siapa yang mampu ,boikot, yang tidak mampu cuba.
Hari ini 19 January gencatan senjata telah diisytiharkan di Gaza.
Harap sangat bukan sementara tetapi selamanya.
Aku mungkin gadis yang kecil yang hanya mampu melihat dari peti televisyen.
Tetapi jauh di sudut hati kecil ini ingin ke Gaza membantu mereka.
Kamu gelakkan aku bukan?
Ikut kamulah, kerana akulah aku, dan kamulah kamu.
**ingin menjadi Journalist yang berjaya tetapi cita-cita dihalang.
Terperangkap di sini.
18 January 2009
Movie:They Wait

Date : 17 January 2009
After living in Shanghai for three years, Sarah, her husband, Jason, and their young son, Sammy, return to North America for a family funeral. However, Sammy starts seeing ghosts and then falls gravely ill and traditional western medicine offers no hope. It all ties in with the Chinese festival of Ghost Month, when the doors of hell supposedly open and angry spirits are given the chance to terrorise the living. Sarah turns to a mysterious pharmacist who warns that a living corpse is holding her son in a death grip. Sarah must find out what the spirits want if she is to save her child.
Good Side
got a really strong motive..not like others ghost movie
story line easy to understand
chinese actor + an english actor = cool
Bad Side
banyak part yang menggugurkan jantung
hantu die x berapa nak seram
duration sekejap sgt
Rahsia Logo Yahoo.com
gelak dulu sebelum membentangkan cerita. Agak kelakar la bagi aku. Sebenarnya ramai tak tahu keistimewaan logo Yahoo.com. tak pecaye sama aku? Korang click sini Then click kat tanda seru after word Yahoo.. then cerita kat aku ape yang korang dapat rasa.
08 January 2009
Mission and Vision 2009
2009 targets
Completing my Diploma in Accountancy at Port Dickson Polytechnic(Julai 09)
Completing my MUET Examination..hopefully passed with an exquisitely band.
Better way at spending allowance yang abah bagi every month.
Using PTPTN allowance as good as I could be.
Throw away my laziness either kt rumah Gombak or rumah sewa at Port Dickson. (be diligent)
Say no to reveling. Just me and the Accounting books for 24-7
Say yes to midnight movie and lepaking kt air panas dgn membe.Air Panas Alor Gajah wait for me!
Be prepared for any assignment, quizzes or test from course lecturer.
Searching for suitable university for continue my study as for Degree course.
Always thinking bout what I am going to do after julai09..there will be a long holiday after finishing study at Polytechnic.
Stop talking nonsense at class as I always do..ahaha..just concentrate and paying full of attention at study..i hope so!
02 January 2009
Makan,minum,pusing,penat,makan,penat lagi sekali,duit habes
Kejam,celik,kejam celik
Eh silap…pejam celik pejam celik jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 11malam. Kelibatnya aku baru tiba dirumah.Umi dan kakak menunggu di muka pintu.Angah ko baru balik ke? Or kau tak jumpe jalan nak balik rumah. Aku terdiam sambil kesakitan. Kesakitan kaki melanda kerana di Cineleisure Damansara tadi kaki aku terjelepok di muka pintu tandas. Gila sakit sehingga aku kelihatan seperti kangaroo ketika bersiar-siar tadi.
Today was really a long day for me.
From Gombak to Jalan Pahang,
From Jalan Pahang to Gombak,
From Gombak to Damansara,
Last but not least from Damansara to Gombak.
Hohoho,penat tahap lengkong punya.
Ke Jalan Pahang
Menemani cinta ke jalan Pahang untuk urusan menukar sim card celcom kepada sim card 3G. Pulangnya singgah ke maple menyantap roti telur dan teh ais.Kenyang di sini.
Ke Wondermilk Cup Cake ,Uptown Damansara
Aku bersama rakan,Syaz dan Ji ke destinasi pertama kitorang, Wondermilk Cuppacake Damansara. Aku telah menyantap 2 ketul cuppacake dan sandwich ayam berBBQ. Sangat sedap dan mempesonakan.Kenyang lagi disitu.
Ke The Curve
Menambahkan kepenatan kaki dari satu butik ke satu butik.
Ke Ikea
Menjelajah ke segenap pelusuk jenis hiasan perabot rumah. Kemudian makan seketol karipap bersama air berkarbonat perisa strawberi.Kenyang lagi disitu.
Ke Ikano Power Centre
Menambahkan kepenatan kaki serta membaik pulih kepenatan kaki sambil berehat di kaki lima.
Ke Rasta,TTDI
Mengisi perut yang sudah kenyang tapi terasa nak makan lagi. Time ni jugak terjumpa Amir sahabat lama.Beliau telah membelanja tauhu bakar.Thats just marvelous..Kenyang lagi di situ.
Blog ini akan diupdate setelah gambar ketika kami bersiar-siar di naikmasuk (upload) oleh Syaz. Harap maklum. Under Construction.
Footnote: Aku harap gambar dari kamu akan dinaikmasuk secepat mungkin ya.
01 January 2009
Selamat Menyambut Tahun Tali Pinggang Belakang
Tolong pakai tali pinggang keledar di belakang!
As far as i know kereta lama tak ada seatbelt belakang so sile take action.
pergi mane2 car center yang ade service installing car seat belt..
there is no excuse if korang kene tahan or road block k..
maybe rase cm pelik sikit kot if aku duduk seat belakang pakai seatbelt..
tp aku cm rase syg nyawa aku lg kot..aku pakai!yup! im doin it successfully!